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Journal Article


Hahnen MC, Pastrana T, Stiel S, May A, Groß D, Radbruch L. Ethik Med. 2009; 21(4): 289-305.


(Copyright © 2009, Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group)






Background In Germany the discussion about euthanasia and physician assisted suicide is prevalent in the media. This study will analyse the way German newspapers represent the discussion about the end of life and how they report about palliative medicine.

METHODS A qualitative data analysis was performed of 433 articles published in the years 2006 and 2007 in different German newspapers. The archives of the selected newspapers were searched for "palliative medicine", "hospice", "patient's autonomy", "patient's will", "euthanasia" and "terminal care".

RESULTS Dignity, autonomy, inadequate provision of care and uncertainties were identified as the major topics in the debate about euthanasia. Dignity was used both as an argument for and against legislation of euthanasia. The terminology on euthanasia is not used consistently in Germany. Palliative medicine is described as a possible alternative to euthanasia which should be developed and reimbursed better.

CONCLUSION These findings underline the importance of dignity and autonomy for the public opinion on the end of life. The media show the potential of palliative medicine as an alternative to euthanasia but claim further development of palliative care. The inconsistencies in terminology as well as in the content of end of life decisions have to be clarified to allow an objective discussion. Politicians and the medical profession should know about the public statements and opinions, to react adequately to patient's fears and allowances. © Springer-Verlag 2009.

Language: de


Euthanasia; Palliative care; End of life; Dignity; Terminology


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