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Journal Article


Souza YMM, Cruz Moreno L. Revista Mexicana de Neurociencia 2008; 9(6): 490-493.


(Copyright © 2008)






We review the anthropological aspect of the history of the tattoo and the corporal perforation in context to locate his cultural, religious, tribal, sexual motivations, etc. Such corporal modifications are described from an epidemiological juvenile vision, given the lack of national studies in the topic. The work centres on the slopes of the medical local complications (psoriasis, esclerodermia, infections, tears, scars, pain) and systemic (gangrene, syphilis, tuberculosis or leprosy) and bacterial and viral infections (hepatitis B and C, and VIH/SIDA) and the psycopathology (compulsive conduct associated with anxious-depressive disorders, of personality - bordering-, paraphiliac sexual - sadomasochism-, or psychosis) of the autoharmful practice. The motivation to realize corporal modifications departs from the perception/reaction to negative conditions lived along the life (resentment, dissatisfaction), social limited integration and behavior guided by the paradoxical "need" of provocation - acceptance, eroticism - pain. Such a personality associates to a constant search of newly, trend to the exploratory activity and intense excitement in response to the new stimuli, route impulsiveness and excitability. The analysis of the psycopathology and the rhetoric they reveal the current studies in the field and indicate that the teenagers exhibit often deviant conducts and illegal activities (consume of psychotropic, vandalism, pathological game, delinquency, etc.). The carriers, more inclined to take part in conducts of sexual risk, homosexuality and others, they show more food disorders, sexual multiple activities and of risk to the health. The suicidalty ends up by being outlined from the optical psychodynamics that includes the recommendations of the international organizations to promote the educational community programs.

Language: es


human; suicide; depression; psychosis; pain; Tattoo; review; epilepsy; motivation; sexuality; personality disorder; behavior; automutilation; Human immunodeficiency virus infection; psychodynamics; cultural factor; impulsiveness; anxiety disorder; social aspect; religion; gangrene; tuberculosis; borderline state; acquired immune deficiency syndrome; delinquency; hepatitis C; erotism; feeding behavior; infection; psoriasis; syphilis; sexual deviation; obsessive compulsive disorder; hepatitis B; tattoo; scar; game; masochism; scleroderma; Autoharmful practice; Corporal perforation; lacrimal fluid


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