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Journal Article


Dong HJ, Tang Y, Yue CF, Wang LJ. Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation 2005; 9(36): 187-189.


(Copyright © 2005)






BACKGROUND: At present, it appears to be serious that there is the phenomenon in which a high rate of juveniles' committing sexual crimes unexpected happened. The cognition of sexual knowledge and genital health among youngsters are investigated to relieve the psychological pressure of sex.

OBJECTIVE: To investigate cognition of sexual knowledge and genital health among youngsters and strengthen healthy education of adolescence so as to let youngsters bear sexual psychological pressure caused by sexual impulse.

DESIGN: Retrospective study. Setting: Department of Educational Psycho logy in Tangshan Teacher's College. Participants: From March 2002 to May 2002, totally 4098 students aged from 14 to 26 years old were selected from Tangshan Teacher's College, Tangshan No.1 Middle School, Tangshan No.8 Middle School, Hebei Normal University, Central Financial University and Beijing People's University, Among which 1289 students had the experience of committing sexual behavior, 797 youngsters were unmarried pregnant young people including students. All the subjects and guardians were told the fact and volunteers.

METHODS: Self questionnaire was used: 1 Juveniles' opinion on extramarital sexual affairs: No blame was given to the pre marriage sexual behaviors so long as the two partners were volunteered; whether contraception tools should be provided by schools; extramarital sexual affairs were irreproachable as long as the married family was not destroyed; the sexual behaviors before marriage were normal if the two were in true love. 2 The wrong motive of sexual relationship: Being forced, curious, physiological impulse, showing love and being greedy for money. 3 The attitude of pregnancy: Being indifferent, regretful, ashamed and wanting to commit suicide. Subjects asked alone without any clue. Main outcome measures: 1 The motive of sexual relationship; 2 Juv eniles' opinion on extramarital sexual affairs; 3 Attitude of pregnancy.

RESULTS: All 4098 subjects and 797 youngsters completed the questionnai res and entered the final analysis. 1 The motive of the sexual relationship: 44.06% subjects commit sexual behavior due to the motive of physiological impulse, 19.55% due to showing love, 18.85% due to curiosity, 9.07% due to forced, and 8.64% due to greedy. 2 Juveniles' opinion on extramarital sexual affairs: The radios of agreement and disagreement without being blamed were 16.93% and 53.20% in males and 12.84% and 32.96% in females. 3 Attitude of pregnancy: 84 subjects felt happiness, 101 felt indifference, 414 felt regret, 174 felt shame and 24 want to suicide.

CONCLUSION: With the rushing in the "Sexual freedom" from the West, the traditional sexual morality begins to collapse. Juveniles attitude to sexual affairs is becoming open, tolerant and divided. Juveniles' seek to the sexual enjoyment is becoming stronger and more sensitive and their sexual concept starts to change from being close to open. The phenomenon of being indifferent and tolerant to juveniles sexual behaviors affects the implement of constructing our national civilization and legal system on the one hand, affects the healthy development of juveniles sexual physiology and psychology on the other hand.

Language: en


adolescent; adult; human; cognition; female; male; China; health behavior; pregnancy; article; sexuality; controlled study; questionnaire; statistical analysis; retrospective study; human experiment; human relation; impulsiveness; geographic distribution; age distribution; groups by age; statistical significance; health survey; sexual education; quantitative analysis; population distribution


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