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Journal Article


Scholtz MC, Janse van Rensburg MS, Roos JL, Pretorius HW, Karayiorgou M, Levin JB. S. Afr. Psych. Rev. 2005; 8(4): 153-159.


(Copyright © 2005, In House Publications)






OBJECTIVE: To determine and compare the incidence of early non-psychotic deviant behaviour (i.e. under the age of ten) in Afrikaner patients with bipolar disorder, schizo-affective disorder and schizophrenia.

METHODS: Patients with bipolar disorder, schizo-affective disorder and schizophrenia were interviewed using a structured questionnaire probing for early deviant childhood behaviour starting before the age of 10 years. Information from close family members was also obtained where possible. Seven areas of possible deviance were probed into: social dysfunction, unprovoked aggression, extreme anxiety, chronic sadness, extreme odd behaviours, attention impairment and learning difficulties. Demographic data included: age, marital status, gender, and years of formal education. The following clinical features were also recorded: age of onset of illness and suicide attempts.

RESULTS: A total of 74 patients diagnosed with bipolar disorder, 43 patients diagnosed with schizo-affective disorder and 80 patients diagnosed with schizophrenia were interviewed. Early deviant behaviour was statistically more prevalent in schizophrenia (65%) and schizo-affective disorder (60,5%), than in the bipolar group (21,6%). Deviant childhood behaviour was grouped into 3 clusters: social functioning impairment cluster (social isolation, aggression, extreme odd behavior), mood/anxiety cluster (extreme fears, chronic sadness) and a cognitive impairment cluster (attention impairment, learning disability). Bipolar patients showed significantly less social functioning and cognitive impairment compared to patients with schizo-affective disorder and schizophrenia.

CONCLUSION: Our findings suggest that early deviant behaviour may be a possible endophenotypic marker in schizophrenia and schizo-affective disorder.

Language: en


adult; human; social interaction; female; male; incidence; bipolar disorder; Bipolar disorder; Schizophrenia; prevalence; sex difference; aggression; schizophrenia; Africa; education; suicide attempt; interview; social isolation; mood disorder; information; article; major clinical study; controlled study; marriage; behavior disorder; clinical feature; cognitive defect; fear; medical record; age distribution; anxiety disorder; childhood disease; chronic disease; social disability; statistical significance; mental patient; learning disorder; demography; onset age; schizoaffective psychosis; attention disturbance; disease marker; Early non-psychotic deviant behaviour; Endophenotype; family study; Schizo-affective disorder; structured questionnaire


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