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Journal Article


Sayar K, Güzelhan Y. Klin. Psikofarmakol. Bül. 2002; 12(1): 23-25.


(Copyright © 2002, Kadıköy Hachette Yayıncılık)






The outburst of manic episode after the death of a close family member is termed as funeral or bereavement mania in the literature. Bereavement mania which is considered to be a kind of psychogenic mania that emerges in a short time following the death of a closed family member. In this article we present a case of a 55 year old woman who had a manic episode immediately after her husband's suicide by hanging himself. There was no history of bipolar disorder in the patient and the DSM IV criteria for manic episode were met. Time proximity between the death of the spouse and the outburst of the manic episode, absence of the history of bipolar disorder and no such a reaction towards other stressful life conditions in the history of the patient makes us think that the case we presented is a funeral / bereavement mania, or in other words a psychogenic mania. Another proof for this is that there was no recurrence of mania or an outburst of depressive episode even though the patient was followed without medication for almost a year. This case presentation demonstrates that the clinicans should have mania in mind amongst the possible grief reactions.

Language: tr


adult; article; bereavement; Bereavement; Bipolar disorder; case report; clinical feature; female; human; mania; Mania; manic depressive psychosis; mental stress; psychogenesis; Psychogenic mania; suicide


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