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Journal Article


Preiss J, Haas T. Ceska Slov. Psychiatr. 2000; 96(3): 136-141.


(Copyright © 2000, Ceska Lekarska Spolecnost Jana Evangelisty Purkyne)






The Czech translation of the method Epilepsy Surgery Inventory (ESI-55) was presented to 106 adult epileptic patients (62 men, 44 women), Neurosurgery for farmacoresistent epilepsy was considered for most of them. Average values were calculated for the whole sample in all 14 scales of ESI- 55. Furthermore, correlations were calculated and analysis of variance ANOVA was applied in relation to nine variables: age at the time of first paroxysm, duration of disease, family status, contact with psychiatry, subjective need for help from psychiatrist or psychologist, suicidal tendencies, invalidity pension, alcohol consumption, validity of answers (using validity scale L of Washington Psychosocial Seizure Inventory - WPSI). To determine relation between three composite scales ESI-55 (Mental health, Physical health and Role functioning), and anamnestic variables, a multiple regression analysis was applied, using the step wise method to select important predictors. Psychiatric variables significantly influence the quality of life of epileptic patients. The authors discuss reports about psychiatric morbidity in connection with neurosurgeries for farmacoresistent epilepsy and stress the need of searching for psychological balance of patients, including quality of life, especially if there is no complete reduction of epileptic seizures.

Language: en


adult; alcohol consumption; article; cognition; epilepsy; Epilepsy; Epilepsy Surgery Inventory (ESI- 55); female; human; major clinical study; male; mental health; neurosurgery; onset age; postoperative period; Postoperative psychiatric complications; Psychiatry; quality of life; Quality of life; suicide


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