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Journal Article


Ziroyannis PN, Tzavella F, Koutselinis A. Archives of Hellenic Medicine 1998; 15(4): 382-389.


(Copyright © 1998)






The medical-philosophical conflict about the complex issue of euthanasia started 2,500 years ago with the oath of Hippocrates. An understanding of the concept of euthanasia requires comparison with suicide. There have been many definitions regarding the classification of euthanasia which may take either active or passive form. Euthanasia should not be confused with the other ways of terminating life, such as discontinuing medical treatment, prescription or causing painless death. A series of recent events has stimulated a renewed interest in euthanasia. In Australia legislation regarding euthanasia has been introduced which has not yet been fully implemented. The considerable publicity around the issue led to several forms of compromise a number of which could be applied under certain circumstances. In Holland the number of patients dying by euthanasia is estimated at 2,000-20,000 a year. There remain conflicting views for and against euthanasia and technological progress as well as the expansion of medical knowledge have created new dilemmas. The prolongation of life expectancy has brought doctors face to face with new moral questions. The concept of euthanasia in all its dimensions remains open for discussion with a view to formulation, of a more globally accepted position.

Language: el


article; Assistance to suicide; conflict; critical illness; dying; ethics; euthanasia; Euthanasia; law; life expectancy; Mercy killing; suicide; terminal disease; Terminally ill patient


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