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Journal Article


St Vil NM, Haley DF, Montgomery B, Williams M, Watson L, Zhang S, Wingood GM. J. Interpers. Violence 2024; ePub(ePub): ePub.


(Copyright © 2024, SAGE Publishing)






Violence against women (VAW) is a significant public health and human rights issue, with an estimated 736 million women globally experiencing VAW. Consistent evidence demonstrates that substance use is associated with VAW and that participation in substance use treatment programs is associated with reduction in substance use-related violence. While evidence demonstrates the ability to address VAW through substance use treatment programs, less attention has been paid to geographic access to substance use programs. If these programs are geographically inaccessible, particularly to marginalized populations, many people will not get the help they need. This study seeks to explore the relationship between geographic access to substance use treatment programs on VAW. Using data from the HIV Prevention Trials Network (HPTN) 064 study, longitudinal multilevel models were used to assess the relationship between neighborhood-level social determinants, with a specific focus on geographic access to Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) certified drug and alcohol treatment programs and VAW. The study included 1910 women, ages 18 to 44, living in select geographic areas with high-ranked prevalence of HIV and poverty. The findings of this study indicate that among women who reside in census tracts with high prevalence rates of HIV: (1) substance use increases VAW; (2) VAW decreases as geographic access to SAMHSA-certified drug and alcohol treatment facilities increases; and (3) when looking at specific types of VAW, emotional and physical abuse decreases as geographic access to substance use treatment increases. Policies and programs to increase access to substance use treatment should be explored and evaluated, and more programs are needed that address the intersectionality of substance use and VAW.

Language: en


alcohol and drugs; domestic violence; sexual assault; violence


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