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Journal Article


Neves G, Ribeiro G, Grilo M, Infante V, Andrade AR. Safety Sci. 2024; 171: e106395.


(Copyright © 2024, Elsevier Publishing)






The majority of railway incidents happen due to human error. Historically, human error has been split into active and latent errors, both to be investigated. Active errors are linked to a specific individual, while latent errors tend to be associated with procedures and higher levels of automation and safety barriers. Active errors are analysed with Survival Analysis, fitting several functions and the Cox Proportional Hazards model. This used a train driver database and Signal Passed at Danger (SPAD) information. A translated surveying tool is used to study latent errors and organizational factors. After translation, this tool was validated with Confirmatory Factor Analysis.

RESULTS suggest that active errors, in the form of SPADs are influenced by factors as age, experience, average length of certified itineraries and previous SPADs. The mean time between failure for a train driver in such incident is between 1000 and 1200 days. At an organizational level, Job Satisfaction is related with experience, while General and Safety Culture is related with age, position, and employer. Occupational Stress seems to be independent of the factors presented as well as the geographical location.

FINDINGS of this study identify both personal and organizational factors of the occurrence of SPADs, improving ability for better resource allocation (in the case of training or train driver allocation) or implement risk control measures (for example stricter scheduling rules).

Language: en


Human and organizational factors; Human Reliability Analysis; Rail Human Factors; SPADs; Survey administration and analysis


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