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Journal Article


Dingwoke EJ, Adamude FA, Salihu A, Abubakar MS, Sallau AB. Trop Med Health 2024; 52(1): e15.


(Copyright © 2024, Japanese Society of Tropical Medicine)






BACKGROUND: Among the medically important snakes in Nigeria, Echis ocellatus and Bitis arietans have the most lethal venom. These venoms were classified according to the presence of snake venom metalloproteinases (SVMPs), snake venom phospholipase A(2) (PLA(2)s), and snake venom serine proteases (SVSPs). Toxicological analyzes were performed to understand the significance of different protein families in venoms.

METHODS: Proteins were separated from venom using column chromatography. The skin and footpad of mice were used to determine hemorrhagic and edematogenic activities. Caprine blood plasma was used to test fibrinolytic activity in vitro.

RESULTS: The results showed that, compared to the crude venom, the SVMP fraction induced hemorrhagic effects with a diameter of 26.00 ± 1.00 mm in E. ocellatus and 21.33 ± 1.52 mm in B. arietans. Both SVSP and SVMP had anticoagulant effects; however, the SVSP fraction had a stronger effect, with a longer anticoagulation time of 30.00 ± 3.00 min in E. ocellatus and 26.00 ± 2.00 min in B. arietans. These main venom toxins, SVMPs, SVSPs, and PLA(2), were found to have edema-forming effects that were optimal at 2 h after envenomation. PLA(2)s had the highest edema-inducing activity, with onset 30 min after envenomation.

CONCLUSIONS: Given the importance of SVMPs in altering the integrity of the membrane structure and impairing the blood coagulation system, an antivenom that can specifically neutralize its activity could inhibit the hemorrhage effects of the venoms.

Language: en


Snake venom; Snake venom metalloproteinases; Snake venom phospholipase A2; Snake venom serine proteases; Toxicological assay


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