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Journal Article


Loidl M, Lackner BM. Contributions to the 10th International Cycling Safety Conference 2022 (ICSC2022) 2023; 118-120.


(Copyright © 2023)






International crash statistics indicate a decrease of bicycle crashes, but at a slower pace compared to total crash numbers. The share of crashes with involved cyclists is above the modal share (see [1] for an overview). Depending on sources, types of analyses, and geographic regions, crash statistics suggest high rates of singlebike crashes and crashes between cyclists and other vulnerable road users (VRUs) [2], while cars are opponents in more than half of all fatal crashes in the European Union [3]. The design of th.e road environment is of particular relevance for crash risks. A study from London found three times higher injury odds for cyclists at intersections [4]. Connected and automated vehicles (CAV) are frequently said to increase the safety level in road traffic since they are less prone to human errors [5]. This might hold true in transport systems with little complexity, such as highways [6]. However, when it comes to complex situations in multimodal systems with multiple interactions between different road users, such as intersections in urban environments, existing solutions are not sufficient yet in terms of protecting VRUs. ... In order to contribute to the safety of VRUs in the interplay with CAVs in current systems, we propose a geospatial model, which delineates potential interaction risk zones from high definition (HD) maps and enriching these zones with additional information. These enriched risk zones are then provided as standardized OGC web service, which can be integrated in V2X systems. With this, we contribute to the visibility, and thus the safety of VRUs in connected transport systems. From a methodological point of view, the proposed model is a first step in integrating spatial context and semantic information explicitly into V2X communication

Language: en


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