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Journal Article


Pashley JS. The Chicago medical journal 1860; 17(11): 635-638.


(Copyright © 1860)








On Sunday, Sept. 2d, 1860, I was called to see A. R. Wells, a native of New York, for some years a resident of Valparaiso, Chili, but then on a visit to friends here. Age 29 ; stoutly built; in ordinary health for some time previous, though mentally depressed by pecuniary embarrassment, and disabled from a paralytic attack which occurred five years previously, and was repeated three years ago, leaving the left side of the body entirely useless.

From his own statement, made to me after being called, be had, for purposes of self-destruction, taken sixteen pills of his own compounding, containing strychnine gr. 3, opium 1 drachm, and an indefinite quantity of quinine, about 10 o'clock of the evening previous; so that when I saw him at 10 A. AL of the 2d, he had been twenty-four hours under the operation of his dose, resolutely denying to his friends any unusual feelings or sensations, in spite of his strange appearance and actions.

Present appearance, (10 A. AL)--Every evidence of the most extreme cerebral excitement; conjunctiva highly inject ed ; eyes suffused with tears, pupils contracted, and the whole face of a deep red color, mouth and lips dry and clammy, tongue tremulous and covered with a white brownish fur; " voice dry, husky, and incoherent in expressions; whole surface hot, with profuse perspiration; body and limbs in violent tremor, and at intervals spasmodic action of all the muscles, alternating with comparative quiet and drowsiness. fr:o which he was easily aroused. Pulse 120, full and forcible; carotid pulsating violently; the respiration labored, and the air of the room redolent of opium. Complained only of feeling " queer."

As speedily as possible administered zinc. sal ph. in full emetic doses, in strong coffee, a repetition of which was re quired twice before full and free emesis o>uld be obtained, by which opium was freely ejected...

Language: en


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