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Journal Article


Smith SN. The Homoeopathic physician 1892; 12(9): 400-403.


(Copyright © 1892)








[SafetyLit note: This is another 19th century article that appeared on PubMed Central where the author explains why homeopathy is better than allopathic medicine.]

In December, 1891, one of my patients, living in one of the surburbs of Boston, consulted me relative to a sister, a young lady, some twenty-two years of age, for whom she felt great anxiety. From hints I received, I felt sure that the mind of the sister was impaired from some cause. She could not keep her own wardrobe in order even. But the sister said there was one thing that she could do well, " darn stockings, " which is more than some ladies can do. I learned that she always complained of pain at the base of the brain, extending over the vertex. She never was free from it...

She had no confidence in herself, but was quite unwilling to be dictated to or controlled. She was impatient and peevish, with a vicious temper, when crossed was inclined to be sulky and indolent.

I was informed that they had consulted several allopathic physicians. All agreed that nothing could be done for her. Notwithstanding, I decided to take the case. I felt assured that Homoeopathy, pure and simple, carefully applied was equal to the emergency.

The conditions and symptoms pointed to Arnica. I sent her mother eight powders of Arnica200, Dunham, with instructions to take one powder every other day until four were used, wait one week and take the remaining four in the same way.

When she had used the first four, she told her mother that it seemed so good to be rid of that headache.

For several weeks Arnica was the indicated remedy. She improved so much from week to week that friends and neighbors asked what had come to Alice. A few days later her mother was called out of town for the day on business, and cast about to see what disposition could be made of Alice until her return. Alice at once said that if they would order a roast for dinner she could prepare dinner for her self and brother, and she did prepare it with perfect satisfaction to all for the first time in her life, and did it willingly and cheerfully.

Her mother said that she appeared to be unable to do what she attempted or what was suggested to her. To illustrate: She would begin to clear the table after meals ; she would stop and hesitate before lifting the thing to be re moved ; she seemed to lack will-power or force to carry out her purpose...

Does it not seem almost incredible that concussion of the brain, with such serious consequences, can be cured and health of body and mind restored, after a lapse of eighteen years?

But Homeopathy has been the gospel of peace and health to thousands who never dared hope for anything but pain and suffering till the end, and will be for thousands of others who are still ignorant of its power to heal and to save life.

Who dares limit the power of Homoeopathy ?

Language: en


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