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Journal Article


Berridge EW. The Homoeopathic physician 1890; 10(2): 89-90.


(Copyright © 1890)








[SafetyLit note: This another 19th century attack on allopathic medicine by a homeopathic advocate.
Antipyrene (phenazon) was an early nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID)]

June 14th, 1889, 6 p. m.--The Countess of ------ took ten grains of Burrowes & Wellcome's Antipyrin for headache. She is sensitive to medicines, and had had much mental anxiety lately. She had been under my treatment for some time with great benefit; but as she called to-day after office hours, she did not find me at home, and so some "d d good-natured friend," as the poet pro fanely says, persuaded her to take this drug, stating that he al ways cured his wife's headache with it.

(N. B.--The expression " always cured " shows that the "cure" was not permanent.)

In five minutes my patient was seized with tingling burning sensation round upper part of mouth, inside nostrils, and in pal ate, just like cayenne pepper ; this was immediately followed by ineffectual desire to sneeze ; then clear water poured from both nostrils. These symptoms ceased as suddenly as they had begun ; and were* immediately followed by sensation of dryness and burning in left side of throat, with instantaneous swelling in left throat, and for a few moments absolute loss of voice. The aphonia soon gave way to hoarseness, with much coughing and expectoration which seemed to come from back of throat and nose. With these symptoms there was a lump about an inch thick in left cheek...

Belladona soon removed the remaining symptoms, though the weakness persisted for some days.

This Antipyrin is the new drug which the allopaths are using indiscriminately because they have no law; and the mongrels because they do not really believe in the law

Language: en


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