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Journal Article


Golubović-Bugarski V, Petković S, Globočki-Lakić G. Mobil. Vehicle Mech. 2021; 47(3): 49-62.


(Copyright © 2021, University in Kragujevac, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering; Serbian Society of Automotive Engineers)






The problem of corrosion is a problem of global importance, and significant attention has been paid to this problem during last years. On the one hand, the effect of corrosion on a vehicle depends on how excessively the corrosion has spread to the structural element and, on the other hand, depends on the specific function of structural element where corrosion is found. Thus, safety of the vehicle might be significantly reduced if the corrosion spreads on the vital structural component of the vehicle. Even a small amount of corrosion that disrupts the continuity of the load bearing structure, can endanger the bearing capacity of a given structural component. A special problem from the aspect of safety is the corrosion of the vehicle frame (chassis). This paper presents an analysis of the effects of weakening of the frame due to corrosion on the predicted design bearing characteristics and safety operation parameters, which the vehicle possesses at the beginning of its service life. By reducing the dimensions of the vehicle frame due to corrosion, critical areas of the structure will ocurre, to which an additional attention should be paid during the design and control of the frame condition. The analysis was performed using the Solidworks Static Simulation program. Regarding that the occurrence of corrosion can weaken the load bearing structural elements and reduce the safety of the vehicle, it is necessary to improve the technical inspections of the vehicle and periodically check the condition of the vehicle in terms of corrosion and structural integrity.

Language: en


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