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Journal Article


권, 곽, 고. J. Korean Soc. Hazard Mitag. 2022; 22(1): 95-103.

Vernacular Title

소규모 위험물제조소의 안전관리 개선방안


(Copyright © 2022, Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation)






Although fires in plants that manufacture hazardous materials do not occur frequently, the damages caused in a single such event are relatively large. Thus, it is essential to establish a safety management system for such factories. The primary aim of this study is to propose the improvement measures based on the analysis of standards according to the Dangerous Substances Safety Management Act, fire site surveys, and complete inspection of small-scale factories manufacturing dangerous substances. The specifications of the open holding area should be greater in number than the designated quantity; for example, the lightning rods should be mandatorily installed in a quantity of 10 times or more than the designated one. Other suggested measures include mandatory preparation of preventive regulations and regular inspection of all manufacturing plants by an external safety management agency, mandatory reporting and on-the-job training for substitutes of hazardous substance safety managers, and conducting a minimum qualification test for the post of safety manager and ensure that only those who have passed the test are employed. The existing laws and regulations should be amended to ensure that accidents can be prevented through systematic safety management.


위험물제조소 화재는 발생빈도는 낮으나 피해의 규모가 크므로 위험물안전관리법에 따른 기준, 화재현장조사서 및 소규모 제조소 위험물안전관리 전수검사 분석을 통하여 다음과 같은 개선방안을 제시하였다. 지정수량 배수에 따른 보유공지 세분화, 지정수량 10배 이상인 경우 피뢰침 의무설치, 모든 제조소의 예방규정 작성 및 정기점검 의무화, 외부의 안전관리대행기관에서 실시하는 정기점검, 위험물안전관리자의 대리자에 대한 신고 및 실무교육 의무화, 위험물안전관리자 자격은 시험 합격자로 제한하는 등 관련법령을 개정하여 체계적인 안전관리를 통해 사고를 예방할 수 있도록 하여야 한다.

Language: ko


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