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Journal Article


Byrd J, Gamette M. Forensic Sci. Int. Synergy 2021; 3(Suppl 1): e100190.


(Copyright © 2021, Elsevier Publishing)






Many jurisdictions are performing sexual assault kit audits. In 2016, Idaho performed a statewide audit of sexual assault kits stored in law enforcement agencies. Many of these kits were untested at a forensic laboratory for various reasons. The importance of testing previously unsubmitted kits is part of this presentation. State Laboratory Director Matthew Gamette discusses issues encountered, lessons learned, and benefits of performing this audit. The importance of performing an audit before implementing a sexual assault kit tracking system is part of the presentation. Idaho developed and programmed the first state-wide and fully-implemented sexual assault kit tracking system. Stakeholder involvement in this process, programming considerations, and lessons learned from this implementation are part of the presentation. Idaho offers this kit tracking system, the source code, and some deployment help to any publicly funded agency. Many states and cities have taken advantage of this offer and implemented the Idaho system, or a system modified from the Idaho system, in their jurisdictions. One of the first implementers of this free software was the state of North Carolina. Retired North Carolina Laboratory Director John Byrd discusses how North Carolina modified the Idaho kit tracking system for implementation in North Carolina. Issues overcome, new programming implemented, and training programs developed are all parts of this presentation. Director Gamette and Director Byrd will also discuss lessons learned from other states and laboratories that have performed similar implementations. The benefits and challenges of operating in an open source environment, the opportunities for labs to network together for programming efficiencies, and budgetary considerations are all part of this presentation. Attendees will leave with an understanding of how to perform a sexual assault kit audit and implement a sexual assault kit tracking system in a very economical way.

Language: en


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