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Journal Article


Hemingway A, Sullivan K. Fam. Process 2022; ePub(ePub): ePub.


(Copyright © 2022, Family Process Institute, Publisher John Wiley and Sons)






This paper is presenting results from an observational study which has measured the impact of an equine-assisted education (EAE) intervention on the future occurrence of domestic violence within the family over 1 year following completion of the intervention as part of the troubled families program. The data analyzed were collected by the local authority troubled family's team from the different agencies involved including crime, health, and social care data. The data were analyzed and compared across four groups, those families on the troubled families program who had a key worker with a member or members who had attended and completed the equine-assisted intervention (n = 268); those families who were on the troubled families program but no support had been offered (n = 10,569), those families who were on the program and were being supported by a key worker only (n = 2119), and those families on the program who were being supported by a key worker and had received further support, not from the equine-assisted intervention (N = 1119). Significant reductions in domestic violence and child in need status were found for those families who had a member or members attend and complete the equine-assisted intervention under study. Those families referred to the equine-assisted intervention also had significantly more complex needs than those in the other groups. Referrals to this intervention are normally for those families for whom talk-based interventions such as parenting, or education-based interventions are not working.

Language: en


domestic violence; equine assisted; troubled family's program; 困难家庭; 家庭暴力; 家庭虐待; 马匹辅助


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