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Journal Article


Weiyong C, Qiaoqin M, Wanjun C, Xin Z, Lin C, Tingting J, Hui W. Disease Surveil. 2021; 36(2): 177-181.

Vernacular Title

浙江省455 名男性大学生的临时 异性性行为特征分析


(Copyright © 2021, Zhongguo ji bing yu fang kong zhi zhong xin chuan ran yu fang kong zhi suo "Ji bing jian ce" za zhi bian ji bu)






OBJECTIVE To understand the characteristics of male college students who have casual heterosexual behavior and providing evidence for the prevention and control AIDS in male college students.

METHODS Stratified cluster random sampling was conducted among male students who had casual heterosexual behavior from 13 colleges and universities in Zhejiang province in 2018. Self-reported internet questionnaire was used to collect the information about the students' demographic characteristics, sexual attitude, sexual behavior, intervention acceptance and so on.

RESULTS A total of 455 male college students who had casual heterosexual behaviors in past year were surveyed. The average age was (20.09±1.38) years old. The proportion of having casual heterosexual behavior to having sexual behavior was 16.6%. The proportion of one night sex and commercial sex were 78.0% and 53.4%. The rate of receiving college HIV testing intervention and education in past year was 67.5%. The proportion of willing to know HIV infection status of sexual partner was 51.3%. The proportion of being aware of HIV infection risk was 11.8%. The proportions of seeking casual sexual partners through internet, entertainment venues or other ways were 33.3%, 29.1% and 37.6%. The proportion of having two or more casual sexual partners was 60.4%. The proportion of having social personnel as casual sexual partners was 33.8%. The proportions of having casual sex and commercial sex after drinking were 45.0% and 26.4%. The rate of receiving HIV voluntary counseling & testing (VCT) service was 8.4%. The proportions of condom use discussion and condom use at each sex were 72.7% and 40.1%. The proportions of having sex with regular sexual partner and condom use at each sex in past year were 67.5% and 35.9%.

CONCLUSION Male college students with casual sexual behavior were characterized by active sexual attitude, sexual behavior after drinking, commercial sexual behavior and seeking sex through internet and others. In addition, poor condom use and poor HIV testing awareness were also existed. Therefore, HIV health intervention and education, safe sexual behavior and degrade HIV harm to college students are needed.

Keywords: Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, Casual sexual behavior, MaleCollegeStudents


目的 了解浙江省男性大学生的临时异性性行为特征,为高校男性大学生艾滋病防控提供依据。 方法 采用分层整群
抽样方法,于2018 年在浙江省11 个市13 所高校,并选取自述最近1 年有临时异性性行为的男性大学生为调查对象。 使用自制
的网络调查问卷,收集调查对象的人口学特征、性态度、性行为发生情况、接受干预情况等信息。 结果 共调查最近1 年有临时
异性性行为的男性大学生455 人,年龄为(20.09±1.38)岁,发生临时异性性行为占有性行为经历男生的16.6%。 研究对象中接
受一夜情和商业性行为分别为78.0%和53.4%,最近1 年接受学校艾滋病检测宣传为67.5%,想知道对方艾滋病感染情况的占
性伴数量≥2 个的达60.4%,临时性伴含社会人员的占33.8%,酒后临时性行为和商业性行为发生率分别为45.0%和26.4%,接
近1 年与固定性伴发生性行为及安全套每次使用分别为67.5%和35.9%。 结论 有临时异性性行为的男性大学生存在性态度
开放程度高,酒后性行为、商业性行为和网络寻找多性伴等危险行为,安全套使用率不高、艾滋病病毒抗体检测率低等情况。 应
关键词: 艾滋病;临时异性性行为;男性大学生

Language: zh


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