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Journal Article


Patiño-Tamez A, Hernández-Barba C, Quiñones-Montelongo KA, Soria-Rodríguez CG. Rev. Med. Inst. Mex. Seguro Soc. 2021; 59(2): 110-118.


(Copyright © 2021, Officina de Bibliotecas y Divulgacion de la Jefatura de los Servicios de Ensenanza e Investigacion)






BACKGROUND: Occupational accidents represent an important problem that affects workers, families, society, industry, social security institutions and the nation as a whole, which affects directly the global economy.

OBJECTIVE: To assess the direct costs of occupational accidents at the Baja California Local Office of the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS -Mexican Institute for Social Security-) in 2017. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Cross-sectional descriptive study; the information was obtained from IMSS 2017 Statistical Memory and Baja California Local Office database. We analyzed 26,657 cases of work-related accidents and diseases. Years of potential productive life lost were calculated with the years of potential productive life lost indicator and the accumulated years of potential productive life lost indicator.

RESULTS: 97,901 certificates of temporary incapacity for work were issued in Baja California with a total amount of 150,284,001 Mexican pesos. 1593 permanent disabilities were granted with an average monthly amount of 3830 pesos and a total of 8982 accumulated years of potential productive life lost. 38 death certificates by work-related risks were issued and accounted for a total of 1048 years of potential productive life lost and 182 491 pesos for funeral expenses.

CONCLUSIONS: Direct costs of occupational accidents and diseases in the Baja California Local Office of IMSS have an impact on economic growth. Concerted efforts are needed to achieve a progressive reduction of work-related fatalities, accidents and diseases.

Language: es


Economics; Occupational Diseases; Health Care Costs; Occupational Accidents; Occupational Medicine


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