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Journal Article


Rasulova I. Int. J. Discourse Innov. Integr. Edu. 2021; 2(2): 465-468.


(Copyright © 2021, Summus Journals Publishing)






While the issues raised in the article are a brief account of the mysteries of social life, in a sense it provides an insight into the possibilities of social psychology as a tool for scientific practice and research.

In the science of psychology, the issue of the uniqueness of the human race is reflected in the concepts of individual (Latin individual means inseparable, separate being), person, individuality (solitude). Individuals who are mentally healthy (sane) in adulthood are also called xdm, infants, speechless, and mentally retarded who are unable to acquire basic skills. However, it ha s become a tradition to call only the first person a person, because he or she can be a social being, a product of social relations, an active participant in social development.

A person who is born into the light as an individual later becomes a person under the influence of the social environment, so this process has a socio - historical character. From the earliest childhood, the individual is drawn into the framework of a certain system of social relations, such a style of interpersonal relations is historically formed, and from an early age he becomes acquainted with this ready (ancestral) system of social relations, behavior, communication.

Social circle (family members, community, community, production team), within a social group (in people's hearts, in their hearts) the further development of a person creates a complex of different characteristics that shape him as a person, not necessarily dependent on the characteristics of his mind and will brings It is a very controversial idea in the science of world psychology to explain the occasional person as a weak product of the social environment and to deny activity in it.

It should be noted that the process of assimilation of social experience is manifested through the spiritual world, which reflects the attitude of a person to the activities he performs and what goals he pursues. Activity is usually reflected in the individual's behavior, activities, behavioral motives, attitudes, and practical assistance. In other words, activity arises in an individual's efforts to acquire a vocabulary in the environment.

Language: en




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