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Journal Article


Loose T, Robiou Du Pont L, Acier D, El-Baalbaki G. Time Society 2019; 28(3): 1148-1166.


(Copyright © 2019, SAGE Publishing)






Background and aims

Personality traits are considered distal determinants of various behaviors including alcohol consumption meaning that the association between traits and behaviors is mediated by other intervening variables. Time perspectives are thought to be both stable dispositions and dependent on situational variables. They are related to personality traits but cannot be reduced to such which may suggest that they explain the relationship between traits and various behaviors. This study aimed to explore the possibility that time perspectives mediate the relationship between personality traits and alcohol consumption behaviors.

Five hundred and forty nine young adults living in France were administered online measures of Big 5 personality traits (Big Five Factor Inventory in French), time perspectives (Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory Short Form) and alcohol use (Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test). Five multiple parallel mediator models were elaborated in which personality traits led to time perspectives, which in turn led to alcohol consumption.

Exclusively conscientiousness and extraversion directly predicted alcohol consumption. However, in all five models at least one time perspective mediated the relationship between each personality trait and alcohol consumption. For example, the relationship between openness and alcohol use was fully mediated by two competitive mediators: past positive and present hedonist time perspectives. The relationship between agreeableness and alcohol use was fully accounted for by two complementary mediators: past positive and future. Fifty seven percent of the direct effect between extraversion and alcohol use was accounted for three competitive mediators: future, past positive and present hedonist perspectives.

Time perspectives may explain entirely or in part the relationship between Big 5 personality traits and alcohol consumption behavior among young people. Intervening on the level of time perspectives rather than on that of personality traits may be a viable direction for prospective studies regarding alcohol consumption.

Keywords Alcohol, time perspective, personality, Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test, Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory, Big 5, mediation, France, young people

Language: en


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