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Journal Article


Kmet R, Dvorak Z, Kvet M. Transp. Res. Proc. 2019; 40: 1418-1425.


(Copyright © 2019, Elsevier Publications)






The society is currently facing a period of information explosion. This term represents a sharp increase in the information provided and the increase in demand for them. The information explosion is based on the integration of information and communication technologies that fundamentally affect social relationships and processes. Information systems are also part of information and communication technologies aimed at mapping traffic accidents in a particular region. The information systems of the United Kingdom, the United States, and the Czech Republic focus on traffic accidents and make them accessible to the general public. These countries can be an inspiration for the Slovak Republic. The contribution will describe the proposal of the information system for the creation of a map of traffic accidents in the selected area, which would display not only sections of frequent traffic accidents but also other specifics of traffic accidents. These might include the importance of the incident that takes into account the number of people killed/injured, the severity of the injury to the participants in the accident, the age of the accident, the cause of the accident, the amount of the material damage, etc. Such statistically processed and evaluated information can provide the basis for the development of relevant technical and organizational measures to improve road safety.

Language: en


information system; mapping; security; traffic accidents


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