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Journal Article


Averianov Y, Glemba K, Gritsenko A. Transp. Res. Proc. 2018; 36: 9-17.


(Copyright © 2018, Elsevier Publications)






A particular feature of operating the road transport is the fact that the operational conditions are constantly changing. This influences both the physiological capabilities of the human operator and the vehicle, and results in a mismatch in the system operator-machine-environment and its safety is significantly decreased. As a consequence, stagewise evaluation of professional qualification is required. An example is presented of the analysis of labor conditions and safety for vehicles operators. We investigated methods for experimental research of vehicles operators' working conditions.

METHODS for evaluating professional capabilities of vehicles operators imply two stages: quantitative evaluation of compliance of the vehicle operator to the requirements of the man-machine system; improving the qualification of the operator in the man-machine system to reach the required level of efficient and safe way of operating the vehicle. We presented the experimental research of the influence of functional capabilities of the operator on the safety of transport works. Processing the statistical material and experimental data make it possible to establish the inter-dependency between the initial values of qualification with discreet value of the service record length. The analysis of dependencies related to training showed that, after the fifth replication, efficiency of any subsequent training cycle yields a smaller increment to qualification than the previous one. Quantitative evaluation of functional capabilities of the operator describing his/her qualification can be done by the experimental results with consideration of training cycles. On the basis of a mathematical model of the training process with the points obtained from the expert evaluation of qualification, we can estimate the required number of training cycles replications for the operator. Calculation results coincide with the experimental data and show that the required number of training replications is usually no more than 5 or 6 cycles.

Language: en


functional capabilities; points from expert evaluation; qualification value; risk; trauma; vehicle operator


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