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Journal Article


Costa JO, Maria APJ, Pereira PAA, Freitas EF, Soares FEC. Transport 2018; 33(1): 92-103.


(Copyright © 2018, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University and Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, Publisher Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VGTU) Press)






The identification of contributory factors to crash frequencies observed in different highway facilities can aid transportation and traffic management agencies to improve road traffic safety. In spite of the strategic importance of the national Portuguese road network, there are no recent studies concerned with either the identification of contributory factors to road crashes or Crash Prediction Models (CPMs) for this type of roadway. This study presents an initial contribution to this problem by focusing on the national roads NR-14, NR-101 and NR-206, which are located in Northern region of Portugal. They are two-lane single carriageway rural roads. This study analysed the crash frequencies, Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT) and geometric characteristics of 88 two-lane road segments. The selected segments were 200-m-long and did not cross through urbanized areas. The fixed length of 200 meters corresponds to the road length used in Portugal to define a critical point. Data regarding the annual crash frequency and the AADT were available from 1999 to 2010. Due to the high number of zero-crash records in the initial database, the data were explored to identify the best statistical modelling approach to be adopted. The Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE) procedure was applied to 10 distinctive databases formed by grouping the original data in time and space. The results show that the different observations within each road segment present an exchangeable correlation structure type. This paper also analyses the impact of the sample size on the model's capability of identifying the contributing factors to crash frequencies. The major contributing factors identified for the two-lane highways studied were the traffic volume (expressed in AADT), lane width, vertical sinuosity, and Density of Access Points (DAP). Acceptable CPM was identified for the highways considered, which estimated the total number of crashes for 400-m-long segments for a cumulative period of two years.

First published online 18 August 2015

Keyword : crash contributory factors, generalized estimating equations, crash prediction models, two-lane highways, longitudinal data

Language: en


crash contributory factors; crash prediction models; generalized estimating equations; longitudinal data; two-lane highways


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