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Journal Article


Sundar S, Ghosh R, Shahil H. Int. J. Comput. Intell. Res. 2017; 13(7): 1593-1603.


(Copyright © 2017, Research India Publications)






In present scenario, where most of the parents are working persons, they cannot be around their child all the time. Hence most of the time, the child is either kept with a daycare or childcare facility or a maid is kept at home for taking care of the child. Recent newspaper articles have reported lots of incidents on child abuse, mostly in daycare facilities or by maids at home. Hence the requirement of remote surveillance system is the need of the hour. A major disadvantage of a general surveillance system is that they can only monitor a limited area in room and hence creates blind spots. There is no automatic movement of camera and it needs to be adjusted manually to cover a different angle. In the proposed system, we are using Raspberry Pi microcomputer and a camera, which is made dynamic using Passive Infrared (PIR) sensors and Servo motor. The camera will rotate according to the movement of the child around the room it covers. The camera will be installed in the centre of the room so that it can cover all directions.The video captured can be streamed live online and parents can access the feed by logging in to a website. A GSM module has been used, so that the parents can get SMS alert whenever any sensor is activated. The proposed setup is a low cost surveillance system and can be implemented at home or childcare facilities.

Keywords: Child monitoring system, Raspberry Pi, Video streaming, Servo motor, PIR sensors, GSM module, Arduino.

Language: en


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