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Journal Article


Koller LH. J. Contin. Educ. Nurs. 2016; 47(8): 356-360.


(Copyright © 2016, Healio)






OBJECTIVES Suggest strategies targeted for emergency department nurses to prevent or mitigate their exposure to workplace violence. Describe specific patient behaviors that will help emergency nurses in identifying potentially violent patients. Review the importance of following written facility violence prevention policies, as well as reporting all violent events. DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Neither the planners nor the author have any conflicts of interest to disclose. This article describes the necessity for emergency department nurses to receive violence prevention training to identify and mitigate violent events before they occur. In the emergency department setting, violence is a frequent occurrence and continues to be a growing concern. Despite the growing numbers, focus on training of staff in violence minimization and prevention has decreased. This article outlines three important safety topics and interventions that can be used to assist nurses when managing potentially violent patients: creating a safe emergency department environment, recognizing and evaluating the behaviors of a potentially violent patient, and identifying nurses' behaviors that may trigger patient violence. Nurses educated in violence prevention will be better prepared to recognize potentially violent patients, use specific strategies to prevent violence, and manage a violent event in a safe, professional manner. J Contin Educ Nurs. 2016;47(8):356-360.

Copyright 2016, SLACK Incorporated.

Language: en


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