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Journal Article


Nandini M, Jayan C. Int. J. Appl. Res. 2016; 2(3): 223-228.


(Copyright © 2016, All Research)






Today street children are an inevitable sight in almost all metro Politian cities of India. Their number grows on every day and it is very much considered as a serious problem. They are often labeled as anti-social element and in the eyes of law enforces they are often labeled as criminals. Since they are the master of their own world, they are more prone to get the behavioural problems. This study reveals the behavioural problems of street adolescents. It also bring out the relation of demographic data to the behavioural problems. The study was conducted on street adolescents in the Don Bosco Anbu Illam. The study was descriptive in nature, and was administrated to 30 samples using semi structured interview schedule. The 30 samples were selected randomly using lottery method from the screened sample of 40, who scored highest in GPI well-being measure. The tool was consist of 105 problems, which was modified from behavioural checklist, and classified under physical and psychological problems. It was also validated by various experts in the field of psychiatric nursing and clinical psychology. The reliability was checked by inter rater method. The review of literature focuses on the causes for being on the street, behavioural problems, and demography of the street adolescents. The chapter also high lights on various physical and psychological problems of street children.

Language: en


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