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Journal Article


Choi J. Korean police studies review 2015; 14(3): 281-302.


(Copyright © 2015, Korean Police Studies Association)






Nowdays preceding studies on the institutional and policy plans for sex trade's actual conditions, protection of sex trade and the victims of sex trafficking are plentifully accumulated. Moreover these studies are being briskly progressed now.

So, In terms of the anti-prostitution law article 2 clause 1(the victims of sex trafficking's provisions) among legal restriction methods on sex trafficking, theories of translation and legislation about the anti-prostitution law article 2 clause 1 were closely examined in this thesis, methods restricting sex trade are different in many countries because people's awareness on sex trade and sex trade's actual conditions, environment related with sex trafficking are very various. especially in related to voluntary sex trade, swedish model(partial- prohibitionism) that sex buyers are punished but sex sellers are not punished is focused by many countries and is attractive to many countries. but I think, it is not proper that we receive Swedish model, non-criminalism like England, regulationalism like Germany. Because voluntary sex trade should be theoretically prohibited in that sex trafficking intends to infringe human dignity and personal liberty. we should persist prohibitionism on sex trade, however we need to expand the extent on the victims of sex trafficking analytically or legislatively, considering today's actual conditions and environment of sex trade. Through it, we need to prepare legal methods that practically protect prostitutes who are the sexual and social underprivileged. In addition, policy plans for extrication of women engaged in sex trade are examined together.

Language: ko


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