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Journal Article


Park H. Korea Law Rev. 2013; 69: 1-32.


(Copyright © 2013)






Recently, the sex trade in foreign countries have emerged as a new issue in Korea. There are two main types. One is the known as 'expedition prostitution', South Korea women go out in a foreign country for the purpose of prostitution. The other is 'Sex Tourism' by Koreans. and Here, I am going to discuss the latter, underlining it as a growing social issue. Prostitution in foreign countries is not only a problem with Korean men, but is a worldwide problem. However, they have one of the highest rates of sex purchase in the world and it is known as major customers in Southeast Asia. In addition, prostitution in Korean society appears to be a part of the male sexual culture, are too frequent and widespread to be overlooked as just aberrations by a few bad apples. In this paper, I note that the trouble for the purpose of seeking prostitutee by Korean men is carried out mainly in the Southeast Asian region, this area is a well-known for tourist attractions. Prostitution under the pretext of tourism is crime in that sex is a commodity in exchange for money and violate sexual Self- Determination. Further, We should manage where and how sex should take place to prevent other crimes such as sex trafficking, harassment and exploitation and keep their sexual culture intact. First, I critically investigate whether there's any link between tourism and prostitution critically. In Southeast Asia, human trafficking and child prostitution is a problem mainly. And it is characterized by a woman as a prostitute and men as a purchaser. I then examine the limits and current law penalties possibilities showing the ever- increasing trend in international prostitution. I expect that these discussion help to provide the appropriate response to sex tourism.


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