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Journal Article


Parmar RS, Trivedi B. Int. J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Rosemead, Calif.) 2014; 3(2): 101-106.


(Copyright © 2014, Scientific and Academic Publishing)






Speed of vehicular travel is continually reducing; Reasons being increasing vehicle population rendering the road capacity inadequate. The achievable speeds in vehicles are not attained because of traffic congestion, rendering automotive developments ineffective. Vehicles emit CO2, which increases during low speeds and idling resulting in denser CO2 cloud, thereby contributing to global warming. Congestion is one of the fundamental reasons for accidents. This makes vehicular traffic congestion a confronting facet to growing economy and pollution and justifiably deserves eminent priority. This paper studies the present congestion mitigating sensor technologies and the parameters measured. It describes "Parameters of Significance (POS)" for accurate measurement and defines a roadmap of sensor technology to realize accurate measurement and monitoring. A detailed comparison of sensor technology to manage the POS is carried out with a view to realize at affordable cost, with minimal efforts and achieve large foot print. The proposed sensors collate the parameters and are subjected to decision making systems for enabling vehicular traffic decongestion strategies. The key technologies are sensor networks and parameter collating methodologies. Summarizing, the paper evolves POS and their monitoring tools with an endeavor is to arrive at holistic solution and lay-down scope for future work.

Language: en


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