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Journal Article


Gruszczyński W. Psychiatr. Pol. 1991; 25(2): 115-122.

Vernacular Title

Encefalopatia po porodowym urazie mózgu w świetle dwudziestopiecioletniej katamnezy.


Instytutu Higieny Psychicznej WAM.


(Copyright © 1991, Panstwowy Zaklad Wydawnictw Lekarskich)






In the years 1916-1989 104 men (68% boys examined in the 60th) of the average age of 36 underwent catamnestic examinations. They were stated in 1960-62, according to clinical documentation of delivery to have the birth brain injury. The main aim of the work was to try to explain whether the particular disturbances of children and teenagers with M.B.D. are only passing episodes or they transfer into the psychic disturbances when patients grow up, and also to find out if there is any relation between them. The results of the examination after 25 years proved but the organic irreversible damage of the central nervous system in 71% of men and in 60% of cases the birth injury was the only factor and in the rest ones it was one of many reasons. The clinical manifestation of the diagnosed organic brain damage after the birth injury in the case of grown-ups were: wrong developed personality mainly in the emotional sphere, psychosomatic diseases with aggravated vegetative reactions, incorrect results of additional tests and also disability to functioning in society with social unfitness. In the light of the examinations it seems that birth brain injury is a very important risk factor for unfitness to modern civilization.

Language: pl


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