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Journal Article


Jovanovic A, Balos D, Yan L. Procedia Eng. 2012; 43: 489-493.


(Copyright © 2012, Elsevier Publishing)






The paper provides details of the European Emerging Risk Radar (E2R2) initiative, envisaged as one of the potential ways to ensure sustainability of the iNTeg-Risk (Early Recognition, Monitoring and Integrated Management of Emerging, New Technology Related Risks) results, in particular of the project results focusing on early recognition, monitoring and management of emerging risks. The Radar is envisaged to seamlessly start its operation at the end of iNTeg-Risk project (May 2013). The Radar initiative will seek endorsement and interaction of broad range of stakeholders both on the public side, and on the industry side. One of the keywords of the extension in Horizon 2020 will be "participative risk governance and management" which should be embedded into new Strategic Research Agenda of ETPIS, the EU Technology Platform Industrial Safety, as such part of the Safe Future initiative in Horizon 2020, and, possibly on the Innovation Partnership "Emerging Risk Horizon scanning". The multi-channel inputs for E2R2 are planned to come from experts, research projects, scientific publications, web publications, social/professional networks and general public. The Web 2.0 and 3.0 solutions are envisaged for supporting the participative character of the solution and dedicated tools will be linked to E2R2. The possible collaboration with China and Chinese stakeholders in the future could be of a particular benefit for both sides, especially for those emerging risks having the more "globalization" character


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