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Journal Article


Howarth SJ, Karakolis T, Callaghan JP. Comput. Methods Biomech. Biomed. Eng. 2013; 18(5): 545-555.


Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College , Toronto Ontario Canada.


(Copyright © 2013, Informa - Taylor and Francis Group)






The mechanism of vertebral shear failure is likely a bending moment generated about the pars interarticularis by facet contact, and the moment arm length (MAL) between the centroid of facet contact and the location of pars interarticularis failure has been hypothesised to be an influential modulator of shear failure force. To quantitatively evaluate this hypothesis, anterior shear of C3 over C4 was simulated in a finite element model of the porcine C3-C4 vertebral joint with each combination of five compressive force magnitudes (0-60% of estimated compressive failure force) and three postures (flexed, neutral and extended). Bilateral locations of peak stress within C3's pars interarticularis were identified along with the centroids of contact force on the inferior facets. These measurements were used to calculate the MAL of facet contact force. Changes in MAL were also related to shear failure forces measured from similar in vitro tests. Flexed and extended vertebral postures respectively increased and decreased the MAL by 6.6% and 4.8%. The MAL decreased by only 2.6% from the smallest to the largest compressive force. Furthermore, altered MAL explained 70% of the variance in measured shear failure force from comparable in vitro testing with larger MALs being associated with lower shear failure forces. Our results confirmed that the MAL is indeed a significant modulator of vertebral shear failure force. Considering spine flexion is necessary when assessing low-back shear injury potential because of the association between altered facet articulation and lower vertebral shear failure tolerance.

Language: en


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