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Journal Article


Yusooff F, Zamani ZA, Desa A, Omar F, Keng CS. Procedia Soc. Behav. Sci. 2011; 30: 596-601.


(Copyright © 2011, Elsevier Publishing)






Contemplating that the momentousness of social support in family abuse cases which is evident and discernible, as well as acting in response to the present-day calls in the literature for investigations into social support in intimate partner violence, expressly wife abuse, inspection of social support's difference based on demographic factors encompassing levels of education, ranges of salary, numbers of children and sources of conflict has been noticeably salient contributing to the purpose of ranging the levels of need for social support in different groups of afore-known. By the same token, this study has as well scrutinized the perception of social support hinging on different types of abuse which has methodically been dissected to the department of psychological, physical, sexually as well as financially. In line with the purpose mentioned, a total of two hundred representative female survivors of domestic violence taken from all over the country were assessed through a single-time questionnaire survey by using Social Support questionnaire and Conflict Tactic Scale Questionnaire. By materializing mean comparison method of statistics, the research findings have apparently divulged that there was no remarkable mean difference in social support based on any aforesaid demographic factors. Likewise, different forms of wife abuse were not noteworthy contributing to the mean difference of social support among them. Accordingly, these results have indicated that social support has undoubtedly been paramount to helping the female survivors of abuse in healing process regardless of their different background. Following these results, elucidation of phenomenon has been manoeuvred for discussion.


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