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Journal Article


Miller CA, Hayes DM, Dye K, Johnson C, Meyers J. J. Geriatr. Phys. Ther. 2012; 35(2): 95-104.


Doctorate Program in Physical Therapy, North Georgia College & State University, Dahlonega, Georgia.


(Copyright © 2012, American Physical Therapy Association)






BACKGROUND & PURPOSE: : Lower limb amputation in older adults has a significant impact on balance, gait, and cardiovascular fitness, resulting in diminished community participation. The purpose of this case study was to describe the effects of a balance training program utilizing the Nintendo Wii™ Fit (Nintendo of America, Inc, Redmond, Washington) balance board and body- weight supported gait training on aerobic capacity, balance, gait, and fear of falling in two persons with transfemoral amputation. CASE DESCRIPTIONS: : Participant A, a 62 year-old male 32 months post traumatic transfemoral amputation, reported fear of falling and restrictions in community activity. Participant B, a 58 year-old male 9 years post transfemoral amputation, reported limited energy and balance deficits during advanced gait activities. INTERVENTION: : 6-weeks, 2 supervised sessions per week included 20 minutes of Nintendo™ Wii Fit Balance gaming and 20 minutes of gait training using Body Weight Support. OUTCOMES: : Measures included oxygen uptake efficiency slope (OUES), economy of movement, dynamic balance (Biodex platform system), Activities-Specific Balance Confidence (ABC) Scale, and spatial-temporal parameters of gait (GAITRite). Both participants demonstrated improvement in dynamic balance, balance confidence, economy of movement, and spatial-temporal parameters of gait. Participant A reduced the need for an assistive device during community ambulation. Participant B improved his aerobic capacity, indicated by an increase in OUES. DISCUSSION: : This case study illustrated that the use of Nintendo Wii™ Fit training and Body Weight Support were effective interventions to achieve functional goals for improving balance confidence, reducing use of assistive devices, and increasing energy efficiency when ambulating with a transfemoral prosthesis.

Language: en


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