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Journal Article


van der Steen FA. J. Vestib. Res. 1998; 8(6): 411-425.


Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, The Netherlands.


(Copyright © 1998, IOS Press)






A flight simulator was used for two experiments to determine the amplitude combinations of visual scene motion (with respect to the observer) and inertial body motion (with respect to an earth-fixed frame) that provide the perception of an earth-stationary visual scene and realistic simulated self-motion. In the first experiment, this range was determined for simulated self-motion about the longitudinal body axis, while in the second, self-motion about the vertical body axis was considered. Both the inertial and the visual motions consisted of 0.75 a accelerations, followed by 1.50 s decelerations, and 0.75 s accelerations. The visual scene acceleration amplitude, W, was fixed at either 0, 2, 4, 8, or 12 degrees/s2 while the inertial acceleration amplitude, I, was varied by a staircase procedure. Following the visual and inertial motions, the subjects pushed a button when they perceived the scene to be not earth-stationary. At each visual scene acceleration amplitude, the lower and upper inertial threshold amplitudes were determined, which bounded the range in which the visual scene was perceived to be earth-stationary. The lower and upper inertial thresholds were defined as the inertial motion amplitudes for which the inertial stimulations were too small or too large, respectively, to provide the perception of an earth-stationary visual scene. The lower inertial thresholds were determined for W = 2 through W = 12 degrees/s2 and were found to be well approximated by the linear relation I = -0.37 + 0.60 W for the roll motions tested, and I = 1.1 + 0.33 W for the yaw motions tested. The upper inertial thresholds were determined for W = 0 through W = 12 degrees/s2 and were found to be well approximated by the linear relation I = 2.7 + 1.7 W for roll and I = 2.2 + 1.4 W for yaw. With the assumption that the lower and upper inertial threshold amplitudes are symmetric about the W = 0 condition, the present results infer a strong nonlinearity of the thresholds near W = 0.

Language: en


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