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Journal Article


Singh P, Kumar R, Sabapathy SN, Bawa AS. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety 2008; 7(1): 14-28.


(Copyright © 2008, Institute of Food Technologists)






Consumers are becoming increasingly interested in healthful foods and are open to soy protein ingredients. Soybeans as food are very versatile and a rich source of essential nutrients. They are also an excellent source of good-quality protein, comparable to other protein foods, and suitable for all ages. Adverse nutritional and other undesirable effects followed by the consumption of raw soybean meal have been attributed to the presence of endogenous inhibitors of digestive enzymes and lectins, as well as poor digestibility. To improve the nutritional quality of soy foods, inhibitors and lectins are generally inactivated by heat or eliminated by fractionation during food processing. Soybeans provide an alternative source of protein for people who are allergic to milk protein. Soy protein is highly digestible (92% to 100%) and contains all essential amino acids. Although relatively low in methionine, it is a good source of lysine. Soy-protein products contain a high concentration of isoflavones, up to 1 g/kg. Increased acceptance of soy proteins is due to unmatched qualities like good functional properties in food applications, high nutritional quality, abundance, availability, and low cost. At present the various forms of soy proteins are primarily utilized for their functional effects rather than their nutritional properties. This article summarizes the integrated overview of the widely available, scattered information about the nutritional and functional uses of the soy proteins when applied in food systems and intends to present the most current knowledge with an interest to stimulate further research to optimize their beneficial effects.


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