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Journal Article


Maheux B, Haley N, Rivard M, Gervais A. CMAJ 1999; 160(13): 1830-1834.


Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, Université de Montréal, Que.


(Copyright © 1999, Canadian Medical Association)








BACKGROUND: In Canada several guidelines have been published for the screening of lifestyle health risks during general medical examinations. The authors sought to examine the extent to which such screening practices have been integrated into medical practice, to measure physicians' perceived level of difficulty in assessing these risks and to document physicians' evaluation of their formal medical training in lifestyle risk assessment. METHODS: An anonymous mail survey was conducted in 1995 in Quebec with a stratified random sample of 1086 general practitioners (GPs) and with all 241 obstetrician-gynecologists (Ob-Gyns). The authors evaluated the proportion of physicians who reported routine assessment (with 90% or more of their patients) of substance use, family violence and sexual history during general medical examinations of adult and adolescent patients; the proportion of those who find inquiring about these issues difficult; and the proportion of those who evaluated their medical training in lifestyle risk assessment as adequate or excellent. RESULTS: The overall response rate was 72.6%. Among adult patients, 82.2% of the GPs reported routinely assessing tobacco use, 67.2% alcohol consumption, 34.2% illicit drug use and 3.2% family violence; the corresponding proportions for assessment among adolescent patients were 77.1%, 61.8%, 52.9% and 5.6%. Comparatively fewer Ob-Gyns reported routinely assessing these issues (56.1%, 28.6%, 20.4% and 1.3% respectively among adults and 62.7%, 35.2%, 26.8% and 2.8% respectively among adolescents). In the area of sexual history, condom use was routinely assessed by more Ob-Gyns than GPs (47.0% v. 28.2%); however, the proportion of Ob-Gyns and GPs was equally low for assessing number of partners (24.8% and 23.1%), sexual orientation (18.8% and 16.9%) and STD risk (26.2% and 21.2%). The vast majority of GPs and Ob-Gyns reported finding it difficult to assess family violence (86.5% and 93.0%) and sexual abuse (92.7% and 92.4% respectively). Over 80% of the physicians felt that they had had adequate or excellent medical training in assessing risk behaviours for heart disease and STD risk. The proportion who felt this way about their training in screening for illicit drug use, family violence and sexual abuse ranged between 12.7% and 31.6%. INTERPRETATION: Although morbidity and mortality associated with smoking, alcohol consumption, illicit drug use, unsafe sexual practices, family violence and sexual abuse have been well documented, routine screening for these risk factors during general medical examinations has yet to be integrated into medical practice.

Language: en


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