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Journal Article


Rosenberg HJ, Rosenberg SD, Wolford GL, Manganiello PD, Brunette MF, Boynton RA. Int. J. Psychiatry Med. 2000; 30(3): 247-259.


Dartmouth Medical School and the The National Center for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Lebanon, NH, USA.


(Copyright © 2000, SAGE Publishing)






OBJECTIVE: Increased use of medical and psychiatric services has been reported as a correlate of exposure to trauma. Recent studies suggest that: 1) physical and sexual abuse traumas are particularly associated with increased utilization and 2) posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a common sequela of abuse, mediates the relationship between trauma exposure andelevated utilization. The goal of this study was to explore the relationships between trauma, abuse, PTSD, and medical utilization in three medical help seeking groups reported to be at high risk for trauma exposure. METHOD: One hundred and seven patients receiving care at a university-affiliated medical center were surveyed for trauma history and PTSD using the Trauma History Questionnaire (THQ) and the PTSD Checklist (PCL). The sample included: forty-eight gynecologic outpatients, thirty-five inpatients with seizure disorders, and twenty-four psychiatric inpatients with non-PTSD admitting diagnoses. Medical utilization data were obtained from a computerized medical center data base. RESULTS: Ninety-six patients reported a trauma history. Of these patients, sixty-six reported abuse and forty-five qualified for PTSD diagnoses. Total number of traumas and reported sexual and physical abuse correlated significantly with elevated medical utilization and PTSD prevalence. PTSD diagnosis was not significantly correlated with utilization, but the five highest utilizers received PTSD diagnoses. CONCLUSIONS: Study results supported hypotheses regarding the relation of trauma exposure to medical utilization, but were less clear about the mediating role of PTSD. These findings suggest that routine screening of high-risk patient groups might promote timely identification of trauma history and PTSD, and subsequently impact health care utilization.

Language: en


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