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Journal Article


de Vrede H. ITE J. 1987; 57(7): 21-26.


(Copyright © 1987, Institute of Transportation Engineers)






A requirement of good road design is a road view that provides the road user with sufficient information to help find the destination and determine travel speed and course. The road view should satisfy the criteria that may reasonably be required of a good visual information source. The visual information musts be clear, the elements observed must be recognizable, and the road user must not be offered too much information in too short a time. The succession of views must contain a measure of continuity and coherence of information. The view must also possess a certain beauty. Questions to be asked in evaluating the road view are listed. Simulations are an aid to properly evaluating a particular road design or the visual consequences of a road reconstruction scheme. The most common aid is the scale model. Computer-generated visual simulations are also being increasingly used. Still other techniques link the computer images to animated film. A third group of image generation is formed by the combination techniques in which pictures of the real world are combined with viascope images or computer animations. The application of image generation techniques is described. The costs and benefits of road view simulations are also discussed.


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