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Journal Article


Hilbert P, Lefering R, Stuttmann R. Anaesthesist 2010; 59(8): 700-3, 706-8.

Vernacular Title

Unterschiedliche Letalitatsraten an deutschen Traumazentren : Kritische Analyse.


Klinik für Anaesthesiologie, Intensiv- und Notfallmedizin, BG-Kliniken Bergmannstrost, Merseburgerstr. 165, 06112, Halle (Saale), Deutschland,


(Copyright © 2010, Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group)






OBJECTIVE: The level of trauma care in Germany belongs to one of the best worldwide. Nevertheless, previous studies have shown significant differences in the case fatality rates of multiple trauma patients in German trauma centres. The objective of this study was to indentify the reasons for the different outcomes based on data of the trauma registry of the German Society of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology. METHODS: Due to the inadequacy of comparing only the case fataltiy rates in the different trauma centres, the data recorded in the trauma registry were analyzed in a retrospective, multicentre study to calculate the probability of survival, revised injury severity classification (RISC) and, additionally, the standardized mortality ratio (SMR) for ranking of the participating trauma centres. As a criterion for inclusion in the study, a minimum of 100 trauma patients admitted directly from the scene within a 4 year period was set. The ranking was carried out using the SMR (observed mortality divided by probability of survival). With the help of data from the trauma registry an attempt was made to find the differences in trauma management between the top 10 centres (lowest SMR), the 10 middle and the last 10 centres (highest SMR) in the ranking. RESULTS: The data of 6,522 patients were included in the study. There were significant differences in the pre-hospital time, the time spent in the emergency room (ER) and time until a CT scan had been performed. Pre-hospital time was longer in patients admitted to the top centres, whereas time in the ER was longer in the last centres of the ranking. Comparing the sum of pre-hospital time and time in the ER, there were no differences between the top and the last centres. At the scene of accident overall intubation rate and intubation rate in patients with traumatic brain injury were higher in patients admitted to the top centres. Regarding the transport modality, significantly more patients were transported by helicopter in the group of the top centres. In top centres CT scans, in particular whole-body CTs, were initiated sooner and used much more frequently so that the rate of missed injuries was much lower. The amount of fluid given at the scene of accident did not differ between the centres but the amount of fluid given in ER and the operating room until admission to the intensive care unit was significantly higher in the top centres. CONCLUSION: There are significant differences in the pre-hospital and clinical care of patients admitted to German trauma centres. Under clinical conditions a tight time management, an immediate and complete diagnostic approach, particularly by means of whole-body CT and a liberal fluid resuscitation seem to be favorable factors.

Language: de


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