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Journal Article


Bødtker S, Kramhøft M, Lind J. Ugeskr. Laeger 1990; 152(34): 2412-2415.

Vernacular Title

Kvaestede cyklister og cykelpassagerer. En prospektiv undersogelse af


Ortopaedkirurgisk afdeling O, Centralsygehuset Hillerød.


(Copyright © 1990, Den Alm Danske Laegerforening)






In a one-year prospective investigation in 1985, all bicycle accidents in Denmark were registered. The circumstances of the accident were recorded. All injuries were classified in the AIS and the ISS scales. After one year, the patients were contacted and sick leave and sequelae were registered. A total of 576 patients (320 men and 256 women), were treated after bicycle accidents. Bicycle accidents were seen most frequently in the ages from 5 to 19 years. The accidents were distributed uniformly over the week and occurred most frequently in the summer. 392 of the accidents were single-accidents, and the majority had used a bicycle-track if possible. Collision with other road users and bad road conditions were responsible for 41%, and defects in the bicycle for 9%, mainly on handlebars, front fork, front wheel, gear and chain. Two were admitted dead, and 114 were admitted to hospital (20%) for median four days. Eleven per cent had sustained serious lesions (fractures or lesions of the head). 556 had an AIS-score less or equal to three and un 387 the AIS-score was one. 561 had an ISS-score less than ten, five between ten and 75 and two had 75. Eight patients could not be classified. The patients AIS score is determined as the highest score of an injured region. AIS score of 6 is fatal. The ISS score is the addition of the square of the 3 highest AIS values. ISS of 75 is fatal. AIS is thus a value of the most serious lesion and ISS is a value of how traumatized the patient is.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

Language: da


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