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Journal Article


Lalić H, Bukmir L, Ferhatović M. Coll. Antropol. 2007; 31(1): 153-158.


Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Health Center of Littoral-Mountainous County, School of Medicine, University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia.


(Copyright © 2007, Croatian Anthropological Society)






The aim of this research is to find out whether the firefighter manpower is adequate to the requirements in the field under the most severe conditions. It also attempts to test whether firefighters' working ability corresponds to their age. To that purpose 220 Croatian firefighters from the Littoral Mountainous county, 99 professional firefighters from the city of Rijeka, 45 professional firefighters from its suburbs and 76 volunteer firefighters from the suburbs were submitted to load test, fitness test--stepping on the bench for three minutes, repetitive power test--sit-ups lasting 1 minute, and a leap-explosive power test. The fitness test was repeated carrying Drdäer's respiratory apparatus PSS 100 with compressed air, so respiratory values were compared before and after the burden of the respiratory apparatus. The results have shown that professional firefighters from the city have the mean increased body mass index (BMI) 26, and professionals from the suburbs BMI 27. In spite of the increased body mass they showed good fitness, spirometric values before and after the load showed neither restrictive nor obstructive ventilation difficulties, which indicates a good condition of cardio respiratory system and also adequate protective equipment. The initial hypothesis has been confirmed: with age, equipped with personnel does not necessarily mean operative equipment, because linear regressive analyses have shown a negative correlation coefficient in relation to repetitive and explosive power. Also, on the average somewhat younger volunteer firefighters are stronger in performing the repetitive power test (p < 0.05) compared to professional firefighters. Occupational medicine should suggest administrative health measures to improve the accelerated retirement plan and shorten the shifts so that all available firefighters could instantaneously be included in the field intervention.

Language: en


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