Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Bromcarbamide poisoning; a model of shock lung,1972,50,9,467-470,Mittermayer On thrombopenia following severe burns after a plane accident,1966,44,6,339-340,Marx Decline in mortality in Japan USA and the Federal Republic of Germany--the contribution of the specific causes of death,1985,63,17,793-801,Junge Near fatal percutaneous paraquat poisoning,1983,61,13,655-659,Okonek Clinical significance of electroencephalography in exogenous toxic conditions,1955,33,43-44,1049-1052,Massmann The significance of carbon monoxide effect on cellular respiration for carbon monoxide poisoning,1955,33,7-8,152-155,Bander Tricresylphosphate poisoning; experimental clarification of problems of etiology and pathogenesis,1958,36,14,663-674,Henschler The significance of hypercapnia for the occurrence of depth intoxication,1960,38,,1088-1090,Seusing Biochemical findings in patients with mushroom poisoning,1964,42,,1039-1052,Eggstein Studies on the sympathico-adrenal reaction in automobile drivers by means of vanillin-mandelic acid determination in urine,1964,42,,139-140,Schmid On the developmental physiology of the corticospinal motor system in children,1962,40,,321-322,Stroeder Acute factitious hyperthyroidism--moderate clinical symptoms in 3 cases under beta-blocker treatment,1986,64,7,319-326,Loos Two survivors of severe paraquat intoxication by "continuous hemoperfusion",1979,57,18,957-959,Okonek Influence of oral alcohol intake on blood alcohol levels in chronic alcoholics and patients with liver cirrhosis under different diets,1972,50,15,732-738,Mallach Blood coagulation analysis and pathologic-anatomical studies in cases of traumatic shock,1971,49,20,1101-1108,Loew Is there a drug treatment approach for prevention and therapy of fat embolism syndrome?,1991,69,Suppl 26,229-233,Schröder Pathophysiology of thrombocytes in shock,1973,51,1,3-9,Loew The clinical course of severe carbromal poisoning (author's transl),1974,52,1,39-49,Beyer Electron and light microscopic findings in human paraquat poisoning (author's transl),1974,52,14,657-671,Grabensee Individual reaction to stress with former concentration camp immates (author's transl),1977,55,17,869-876,Matussek Chronic mercury poisoning following topical application of skin bleachers (author's transl),1979,57,6,293-298,Plewig Suicidal digoxin poisoning: conventional treatment and antibody therapy,1982,60,8,401-405,Hess New aspects of amanita poisoning,1979,57,21,1143-1152,Faulstich A case of divergent digitoxin values under treatment of a patient with acute digitoxin overdose with digitalis antibody fragments,1990,68,6,324-327,Wood Die Behandlung der Trigeminusneuralgie,1922,1,11,524-527,Sonntag