Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Abnormal conscience development in juveniles with social behavior disorders,1971,19,,14-27,Fanai Suicidal tendencies and attempted suicide. Statistical analysis of suicide in students,1972,20,2,123-151,Stork Argument of a suicide,1973,21,1,46-53,von der Mühlen The loss the central symptom of depressive syndromes,1974,22,1,39-44,Lenz The body consciousness and violence,1977,25,2,164-171,Eng Relationship between the Stork "suicide Risk Rating Scale" personality tests therapist ratings and symptom lists in a random sample of "neurotic" students,1978,26,4,304-315,Kuda Use of aversive stimuli in serious behavior disorders of mentally disturbed patients,1980,28,1,21-33,Duker Dimension analysis of the questionnaire test for the determination of suicide risk,1982,30,1,12-24,Kuda Possibilities of cognitive and functional behavior analysis and the resulting therapeutic interventions in a mentally retarded pyromaniac,1980,28,3,223-242,Salem Personality structure and behavior of an informal ski group by brief stay in high altitudes,1972,20,1,68-80,Hüllemann Personal and socio-cultural phenomenon of narcotic abuse in youth. (Also a contribution on phenomenological psychopatholgy of addiction),1973,21,1,54-64,Gastager Configuration frequency analysis. V. Contingency and interaction structural analysis of multiple-scaled characteristics,1973,21,1,26-39,Lienert The function of the psychologist in a neurological department,1973,21,2,183-184,Ambrozi Drug contact of students in a secondary school in a large town. Results of a study of secondary school students in the city of Essen,1974,22,2,169-179,Zimmermann Drug contact of students in intermediate and trade schools in a small town,1974,22,2,161-168,Kleiter Rockers: social background attitude and personality aspects,1976,24,4,368-376,Wagner Oedipus - anthropology of enlightenment and interpretation,1977,25,1,43-51,Wyss Aspects of family structure psychosocial stress and economic achievement: a cross cultural comparison,1980,28,1,43-56,Gaspari The configuration frequency analysis. XVI. New tests against types and syndromes,1982,30,1,5-11,Lienert Family constellation and aggressive behavior,1974,22,2,180-182,Schindler The interpersonal theory of suicidal behavior: A systematic review,2013,42,2,96-106,Teismann Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Resulting From a Suicide Attempt. A Pilot Study,2023,52,3,163-166,Luke