Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Aging and the conflict of generations,1971,4,2,115-162,Levin Suicide in the aging. Empirical prediction of suicidal risk among the aging,1973,7,1,7-42 passim,Lettieri Suicide in the aging. Suicidal behavior in a 70-year-old man: a case report,1973,7,1,43-69,Haggerty A psychological autopsy of a geriatric suicide,1977,10,2,229-242,Miller The older rape victim and her assailant,1978,11,2,203-215,Groth Organic problems in the aged: brain syndromes and alcoholism. Discussion: on the nature of the dependency and denial problems of alcoholics,1978,11,2,191-202,Khantzian Individual adaptation in the middle years. Developmental issues in the masculine mid-life crisis,1976,9,1,41-77,Gutmann Organic problems in the aged: brain syndromes and alcoholism. As the alcoholic person grows older,1978,11,2,175-189,Myerson Organic problems in the aged: brain syndromes and alcoholism introduction,1978,11,2,131-134,van der Kolk Termination of life support systems in the elderly. Discussion: To die before the gods please: legal issues surrounding euthanasia and the elderly,1981,14,1,45-70,Baron Psychotherapy of the elderly. A miserable old age--what can therapy do?,1983,16,1,7-38,Kahana Psychopharmacology in the aged. Use of major psychotropic medications in treatment of the elderly: case examples,1974,7,2,189-202,Asnes Some issues specific to depression in late life,1997,30,2,211-221,Gurian Suicide among ethnic minority elderly: A statistical and psychosocial perspective,1994,27,2,241-264,Baker Two cases of late life alcoholism,1990,23,2,107-116,Newman-Aspel ''Rational suicide'' on grounds of old age?,1991,24,2,261-276,Moody Prevention of suicide in the elderly,1991,24,2,293-306,Osgood Grief after suicide: Giving voice to the loss,1991,24,2,277-291,Alexander Suicide risk in the elderly: An introduction,1991,24,2,147-151,Dreier Suicide risk factors in the elderly: An epidemiological study,1991,24,2,175-190,Blazer Elderly suicide: Minimizing risk for patient and professional,1991,24,2,235-259,Strasburger 'Rational suicide' on grounds of old age?,1991,24,2,261-276,Moody Key psychological factors in understanding and managing suicidal risk,1991,24,2,153-174,Shneidman The treatment of depression in older suicidal persons,1991,24,2,203-215,Liptzin Psychotherapy with older suicidal patients,1991,24,2,217-234,Maltsberger Vulnerability and suicidality in the aged,1991,24,2,191-201,Weisman