Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The SSRI trials in children: disturbing implications for academic medicine,2006,8,1,29-41,Leo Antidepressants and suicide: 7829 inquests in England and Wales 2003-2020,2023,25,1,8-28,Read Contra Pfizer,2005,7,3,181-195,Healy Drug company suppressed data on paroxetine-induced stimulation: Implications for violence and suicide,2006,8,3,255-263,Breggin Intoxication anosognosia: The spellbinding effect of psychiatric drugs,2006,8,3,201-215,Breggin Confronting risk about antidepressants for children,2007,9,3,147-151,Antonuccio Exposure to SSRI antidepressants in utero causes birth defects neonatal withdrawal symptoms and brain damage,2008,10,1,5-9,Breggin Rejection of psychotropic medicine and DSM-IV nomenclature produce positive outcomes for gifted alienated and dually diagnosed John Dewey Academy students who were self-destructive: Part I,2009,11,1,16-28,Bratter Antidepressant-induced suicide violence and mania: Risks for military personnel,2010,12,2,111-121,Breggin Self-harm and medicine's moral code: A historical perspective 1950-2000,2010,12,2,158-175,Cresswell Unarmed and dangerous: The holistic preparation of soldiers for combat,2011,13,2,95-114,Barrett Ethical aspects of the prevention of suicide in psychiatry,2012,14,2,140-149,LiƩgeois Post-traumatic stress disorder a novel hypothesis: Social networking and electronic isolation in the war zone,2012,14,3,199-201,Barrett Some wounds don't bleed: An examination of unresolved trauma in Vietnam veterans and its ethical implications through the lens of one man's story and beyond,2014,16,3,140-157,Rose The ADHD drug abuse crisis on american college campuses,2015,17,1,5-21,Watson Links between antidepressants and suicide and homicide: Commentary on bouvy and liem,2016,18,3,258-262,Salter Who am i to treat this person? What it feels like to treat a seriously disturbed patient,2016,18,2,134-149,Karon Women self-harm and the moral code of the prison,2018,20,1,27-42,Ward Problematic advice from suicide prevention experts,2019,20,2,79-85,Hjelmeland Farmers' Protests Death by Suicides and Mental Health Systems in India: Critical Questions,2021,23,2,70-88,Kottai WHO Owns the Language: "Domination Code" in the Mental Health Gap Action Program,2022,24,1,5-28,Walker Court filing makes public my previously suppressed analysis of Paxil's effects,2006,8,1,77-84,Breggin Auditing Electroconvulsive Therapy,2023,25,2,172-178,Healy