Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Holding doctors responsible at Guantanamo,2006,16,2,199-203,Sherman Commentary on "The incoherence of determining death by neurological criteria",2009,19,4,393-5; discussion 397-9,Lizza Casuistry and its communitarian critics,1994,4,2,99-116,Kuczewski Human dignity humiliation and torture,2009,19,3,211-230,Luban What more in the name of god? Theologies and theodicies of faith healing,2010,20,1,1-25,Campbell Moral Reasoning and the Review of Research Involving Human Subjects,2001,11,1,37-69,Eckenwiler Ethical relativism in a multicultural society,1998,8,1,1-22,Macklin Emergency contraception for women who have been raped: must catholics test for ovulation or is testing for pregnancy morally sufficient?,2006,16,4,305-331,Sulmasy Between reason and coercion: ethically permissible influence in health care and health policy contexts,2012,22,4,345-366,Blumenthal-Barby Autism spectrum disorders risk communication and the problem of inadvertent harm,2013,23,2,105-138,Rossi The case for moderate gun control,2014,24,1,1-25,DeGrazia She touched me: five snapshots of adult sexual violations of Black boys,2018,28,2,205-241,Curry Medicalization contributory injustice and mad studies,2022,32,4,401-434,Gagné-Julien Is life of infinite value?,2001,11,3,239-246,Davis Response: persistent perplexities,2001,11,3,305-315,Radin Dilemmas in military medical ethics since 9/11,2003,13,2,175-188,Howe