Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author LPNs are natural leaders--in the crusade for automobile safety,1966,16,7,21, Child abuse our responsibility,1974,24,12,14-17,Fontana When prevention fails. Suicide Part II,1976,26,1,19-20,Bray The abused child the abusing adult: a non-judemental attitude,1978,28,9,27-29,Dec The abused child the abusing adult: both are victims both need your help,1978,28,9,24-6 42,Fontana Accidents happen at home anytime anyplace,1978,28,6,22-23,Dec On suicide,1979,29,1,8,Hammerschmidt Suicide: the ultimate cry for help. How nurses can answer,1979,29,1,21-22,Reguero Suicide: the ultimate cry for help,1979,29,1,18-21,Law Nurses and child abuse/neglect reporting: duties responsibilities and issues,1990,40,2,56-59,Allen Summer hazards,1978,28,6,9,Hammerschmidt Intervention in falls among the elderly,1992,42,2,24-34,Simpson How to help prevent falls,1991,41,2,13-14,Carbary Preventing falls,1989,39,4,32-35,Tieaskie When your patient talks about suicide,1994,44,4,37-39,Lynch Christmas depression,1994,44,4,18-21,Davidhizar Elder abuse,2007,57,3,5-9,Gililland "Domestic violence",2002,52,1,18-22,Davidhizar Childhood sexual abuse: an overview of its shattering effects,1995,45,2,40-42,Barstow Ergonomics research: impact on injuries,1997,47,2,36-40, Coping with a heightened level of stress,2001,51,4,12-15,Davidhizar Nursing during the Rapid City flood,1972,22,10,26-27,Corneliuson Rape. Treating terrified victims,1974,24,2,20-22,Carbary Disaster plan now in effect,1975,25,6,23-24,Wilkinson Cries of children,1975,25,12,26-7 35,Henson Part I: preventing injury and promoting rehabilitation. Specialized care of the spinal cord injured patient,1976,26,6,14-17,Sullivan NCSBN responds to issues surrounding recent case of nurse who admitted to killing patients,2003,53,4,21,Dorsey My unforgettable nursing experience: a child abused,1966,16,3,18,Tessier Poisons in the garden,1978,28,6,18-21,Arena Rape. III. Rape crisis intervention. Boston's Beth Israel Hospital--a model program,1978,28,11,17-19, Rape. II. "In Janet's case...",1978,28,11,16, Rape. I. The rape victim: nursing implications,1978,28,11,14-15,Burgess Rape,1978,28,11,13-19, Suicide and the elderly: can the LP/VN help? (continuing education credit),1994,44,1,36-41,Stoner Schizophrenia: a brief review of what nurses can do and say to help,2009,59,2,3-4,Melrose